Friday, February 27, 2009

Thank M It's Friday

I had possibly the worst dream ever last night. In it, the world was horrified that Obama was suddenly revealed as a phony, and for some reason was forced to give up the White House. Because of his disqualification status, the US had no choice but to re-instate George Bush for a third and possible fourth term.

Ah. The damage that administration left behind is resounding. I was happy to wake up to find out it is, indeed, Friday. The dream was almost as horrifying as the one from the night before where my car had been stolen and helicopters were falling from the sky. I blame my cough medicine.

Anyhow. Let's take it back to April of 2003, the month of the start of Bush's reign of terror and the release of the last truly remarkable video by our Madgesty. The video was pulled immediately, but should definitely be remembered, if only for it's sheer audacity. I mean, for starters, Bush does share a smoke and a giggle with Hussein at a body carnage fashion show, right before blowing himself up! Doesn't get any bolder than that.

The song sorta sucked, so keep it on mute.  But these are the things I'd rather be dreaming of. 



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